鲜花曾告诉我你怎样走过 Flowers have told you how I traversed
大地知道你心中的每一个角落 You know that the hearts of the earth every corner
甜蜜的梦啊谁都不会错过 Ah sweet dreams everyone not to miss
终于迎来今天这欢聚时刻 Finally usher in today congregated moment
星光洒满了所有的童年 Stars showered all childhood
风雨走遍了世界的角落 Rain every corner of the world
水千条山万座我们曾走过 1000 Mountain water we have traveled 10,000
每一次相逢和笑脸都彼此铭刻 Every meet each other and smiling faces are engraved
在阳光灿烂欢乐的日子里 In the sunny days of fun
我们手拉手啊想说的太多 We want to say too much hand in hand ah
阳光想渗透所有的语言 Sunlight penetration to all languages
春天把友好的故事传说 The story of the friendly spring legend
同样的感受给了我们同样的渴望 The same feelings give us the same desire
同样的欢乐给了我们同一首歌。 The same joy gives us the same song the same song.
大地知道你心中的每一个角落 You know that the hearts of the earth every corner
甜蜜的梦啊谁都不会错过 Ah sweet dreams everyone not to miss
终于迎来今天这欢聚时刻 Finally usher in today congregated moment
星光洒满了所有的童年 Stars showered all childhood
风雨走遍了世界的角落 Rain every corner of the world
水千条山万座我们曾走过 1000 Mountain water we have traveled 10,000
每一次相逢和笑脸都彼此铭刻 Every meet each other and smiling faces are engraved
在阳光灿烂欢乐的日子里 In the sunny days of fun
我们手拉手啊想说的太多 We want to say too much hand in hand ah
阳光想渗透所有的语言 Sunlight penetration to all languages
春天把友好的故事传说 The story of the friendly spring legend
同样的感受给了我们同样的渴望 The same feelings give us the same desire
同样的欢乐给了我们同一首歌。 The same joy gives us the same song the same song.
本届“东南亚华文教学研讨会”由印度尼西亚东爪哇华文教育统筹机构主办,印度尼亚各省华文教育协调(统筹)机构协办。大会主题为“东南亚华文教育的发展趋向和对策”,邀请了东南亚10国代表,以及与东南亚华文教育相关的中国代表参加。自1995年第一届 “东南亚华文教学研讨”于新加坡召开至今,已分别在吉隆坡、曼谷、马尼拉、在文莱成功举行了第6届,每届东南亚各国派一位代表作为成员国代表,以便联络工作。通过定期、不定期的研讨、培训活动,同道互相切磋学习、取长补短,吸收最新教育理念及教学法,共同来扶植培育具竞争性及创意性并保持华人特质的新生代,薪火相传,生生不息。
2007年12月4日,夜幕下的英雄城,华灯璀璨,流光溢彩,晚上18时许,为了迎接和配合东南亚华文教学研讨会的胜利召开,,位于一家美国连锁全球著名酒店品牌, MARIOT万豪国际大酒店举行晚宴,由筹委会和文学艺术界联合主办的大型系列演唱会,晚会的高潮是百人大合唱,众艺术和文艺工作者以饱满的激情,演绎了百人大合唱《传灯》《把根留住》《同一首歌》嘹亮歌声飘扬,响彻夜空,把晚会带上高潮。这个声势浩大的百人大合唱,是由印尼泗水黎明合唱团组成,”在万豪国际大酒店二楼多功能厅,当104名身着统一服装的印尼华侨,在张植振老师指挥下,打着潇洒的节拍,深情地唱起《传灯》, “每一条河是一则神语,从遥远的青山流向大海;每一盏灯是一脉香火,把漫长的黑夜渐渐点亮!那深情的歌唱,那灵魂的歌唱,形象地讴歌了中华民族不屈不挠的拼搏精神。一个个放声歌唱。穿越了几千年的历史时空,尽管记者照相机的闪光灯不停闪动,大家也没有一点儿的不自然,只陶醉在美妙的音乐中,不受影响把节目完整地唱好,让每一位在座的听者无不动容,深情地勾起对祖先的记忆和同族的认同,决心把象征文化的灯火,从老一辈手里传到孩子们手上。
中华文文化的意义是什么?也许当你听到这首歌曲时,忽然会明白:百多年前,大量的华人以各种形式,从中国来到了这里,写下了一字一泪的辛酸史。华人走到哪里,就会把中华文化带到哪里。这不正是中华的文化意义之所在吗? 中华文化五千多年的历史,是中国文化的根柢,是中国人固有的文化,但是在印尼的华人,尤其是年轻一代,对于华文却知之甚少。而东南亚华文教学研讨的责任,就是要肩负起弘扬华文文化的使命,要把中华文化的种子,在华族中,千秋万代地保存下去。留住我们的根,就像传灯里的歌词:我们每个人都是华夏民族的一盏灯“为了大地和草原,太阳和月亮,为了生命和血缘,每一条河都要流下去,每一盏灯都要燃烧自己!” 让我们一起传灯! 把中华文化的香火永续下一代。
Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching Seminar Secretariat representatives of the seven member countries launched the common units to reach resolution: Indonesia commissioned by the Chinese educational institutions in 2007, from 3 to 6 December in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia contractors, "the seventh Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching Seminar" Southeast Asia to discuss Chinese language education in the face at this stage of the opportunities and face the challenges of conspiracy to promote Chinese language education in Southeast Asia more stable development of countermeasures. It is understood that the "Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching Seminar" is the Southeast Asian countries education event, held every two years, whose main objective is to promote mutual exchanges between member countries, exchanging information, exchange views and learn from each other on education experience, and promote South-East Asia Chinese language education and to the development of Chinese language teaching. The "Southeast Asian Chinese Language Teaching Seminar" by the Indonesian East Java language organized by the Education and Manpower, the provinces of India Chinese Education Coordination (Co-ordination) Agency co. The theme of the conference "Southeast Asian Chinese language education trends and the development of countermeasures," to invite the 10 Southeast Asian countries, as well as representatives of Chinese language education in Southeast Asia and China-related representatives. Since 1995, the first "Chinese language teaching seminar in Southeast Asia" held in Singapore so far have been in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Manila Rafah, successfully held in Brunei in the first six sessions, each of the Southeast Asian countries to send a representative as representatives of the Member States, to liaison work. Through regular, irregular seminars, training activities, their allies and learn from each other learning from each other, and absorb the latest educational philosophy and approach, common to foster a competitive and nurturing creative and maintain the new generation of Chinese characteristics, Eternal Flame Legend has it, and not Sang Sang income. In fact: Since we are in the exotic, children and grandchildren were living environment all localization and Western civilization, and most have played a foreign name, even the name both downplay! Chinese culture will be the insulation. Chinese language teaching seminars task is to spread the Chinese culture in Indonesia. In addition to safeguarding the overall image of Chinese ethnic groups and interests, we must avoid the next generation of Chinese origin in the Chinese culture and destiny of the root, in the packed off to the Chinese about the Chinese culture, in addition to respect for local peoples habits. A nationality different countries belong on the "Chinese." Also foster the next generation of Chinese can say that the ethnic Chinese writing; also hope that the local indigenous people through learning the language, understand our long history, splendid culture of the Chinese nation, December 4, 2007, the night the heroic city, dotted with brightly anticipation that at 18 am, in order to meet with Southeast Asia and the victory of the Chinese language teaching seminars held in a United States chain of the world's leading hotel brands, MARIOT Marriott International Hotel dinner held by the Preparatory Committee and the literary arts series organised by the joint concert, the climax of the evening chorus of 100, the public art and literary and art workers with full enthusiasm, interpreted 100 Cantata "Chuandeng" "retain the roots," "The Same Song" resonant voice fluttering, and resounded through the night sky, the evening brought climax. This massive 100 chorus by the Indonesian Surabaya Dawn Chorus composition, "in the second floor of the Marriott International hotel function rooms, when 104 wore the clothing of the ethnic Chinese Indonesians, Zhang Zhen Zhi teachers under the command of a Rhythms of the casual, affectionate sang "Chuandeng", "each one is a river god language, Castle Peak flows from the distant sea; Each lamp is a clock incense and the long night gradually brightened! The passionate singing, that the soul singing, and sang in praise of the image of the Chinese nation indomitable not 。 Torsion fighting spirit. One singing aloud. Through the history of several thousand years time, although reporters kept flashing camera flash, we do not have not a little bit of nature, only revel in the beauty of music, will not be affected to sing praises of the program integrity, and let every one here all touching the listener with deep feeling linked to the memory of their ancestors and with the ethnic identity, cultural symbol of determination to the lights, spread from the hands of the older generation of kids hands. "Chuandeng" dunums of Singapore poet and composer Chang Pan works.Only for songs in the 1980s, spread to Malaysia, widely circulated in Malaysia, and later became a local 。 More cultural activities and traditional festivals will Changqu, a Malaysian Chinese community spirit songs, but also spread to Northeast China, and this is a deep, the Lyric Songs of Low is a surging of idealism and romanticism passionate songs, it Expression is a profound cultural homesickness, the overseas Chinese and Chinese culture's insistence watch. When the melody sounded, as if your thoughts back to those youthful years. These songs contained in the simple truth, an imperceptible impact on 。 Us. Singing very well, better than the rehearsal time with a very good team spirit is strong. They, after all, is a non-professional groups, to obtain such good results in a short period of time, it is very difficult for. This depends entirely on the efforts of everyone in peacetime. ”。 A song seem very simple, but the "one minute on stage, the audience decade reactive." Every attract viewers behind the brilliant theatrical programs, performers have to pay is too many, discipline and obedience arrangements, meticulous adherence to excellence rehearsal. Time and again repeated practice, they were born in Indonesia in such a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious harmony in both countries, although the language of origin, and not the same, but they all share the same hobbies, and was infatuated with a history of 5000 years of Chinese culture . It is not easy, Chinese culture is the meaning of the text? Perhaps when you hear this song, suddenly will understand: more than 100 years ago, a large number of Chinese in various forms, came here from China, wrote a word of the bitter tears history. Chinese wherever you go, will be taken to where the Chinese culture. Is not this the Chinese cultural significance lies? Chinese culture 5,000 years of history, is China's culture Gendi, is a Chinese traditional culture, but the Chinese in Indonesia, particularly the younger generation, the Chinese know it 。 A little. Southeast Asian Chinese language teaching and study of obligation to shoulder the mission of promoting Chinese culture, Chinese culture should seed in the ethnic Chinese, the future generations to preserve it. Retain our roots, just like in the lyrics Chuanding: each one of us is a Chinese national light "to the land and pasture, the sun and the moon, in order to the life and blood, every one should flow on the river, each lamp burning themselves to "let us work together Chuandeng! 。 Chinese culture to the next generation of incense sustainable. Evening at the end of performers took to the stage, to sing "The Same Song", "The Same Song" is the famous column CCTV is China's most authoritative music brand, 10 cultural impetus brand. , Overseas Chinese are all like this song, the stage, we stand together, in harmony with the melody dancing. Sing the magnificent song, singing, waving farewell to the guests at this time, the people's hearts were with the pick - and we have a blue sky, a world total, with the same A desire for friendship should be more people - this is the depths of my heart the strong resonance. Passionate melody Zhou, the whole of the song until the end, performance hall burst into applause Jingjiubuxi the waves, as a party spot a sea of joy. An exciting evening for participants to enjoy a full Chinese culture, the spirit of the Chinese nation a beautiful night, left the scene, "The Same Song" as if the melody is still the night sky and in the people's hearts Drifting.