印度洋上人间的最后乐园—马尔代夫马尔代夫位于斯里兰卡南方650公里的海域,是印度洋上穿越赤道的群岛国家,由露出水面及部分露出水面的大大小小19组珊瑚环礁、近两千个珊瑚岛组成,整个地区就是一个国家,1965年独立,1968年成立共和国,全名为马尔代夫共和国(Republic Of Maldives)。马尔代夫由北向南经过赤道纵列,形成了一条长长的礁岛群岛,在印度洋仿佛一块蓝色的天鹅绒,上面点缀着一串串翡翠宝石。非常美丽,是世界上最大的珊瑚岛国。它是世界上拥有最丰富的珊瑚礁和鱼类、鲨鱼等资源的地方之一,是一个免入境税的国家,全国领土面积为298平方公里,南北延伸800公里,平均海拔1.2米。这些岛屿都是因为古代海底火山爆发而成,有的中央突起成为沙丘,有的中央下陷成环状珊瑚礁圈,被称为离天堂最近的地方、印度洋上人间最后乐园,是欧洲人趋之若鹜的地方,若能搭乘水上飞机遨翔于马列南、北环礁,您定会惊异非常,无际的海面上,星罗棋布一个个如花环般的小岛,小岛中央是绿色,四周是白色,既成为世界知名的旅游渡假胜地,马尔代夫MALDIVES,是由梵文Maloheep演变而来,就是花环的意思。因为海面好似成串的花环,官方记载马尔代夫起源于12世纪,泛指位于锡兰西岸的岛屿,当时许多来自东非、阿拉伯国家的船只,在航行中发现这美丽、宁静的马尔代夫,后来人们逐渐迷恋在岛上居住,这个迷你小国却涵盖着近十万平方公里的海域,在其中200个有居民的岛中,有73个度假岛屿酒店,每一座珊瑚礁就是一所豪华的度假酒店。号称有全世界最美丽的海滩,所有关于马尔代夫的传说和图片都会对这个地方心驰神往,雪白晶莹的沙滩,倒映在水中婆娑的椰影,大群大群五彩斑斓的热带鱼,构成了马尔代夫的“动画”景观,印度洋上的璀灿的明珠,是印度洋上一个罗曼蒂克而美丽的岛屿,是爱海人的天堂,椰影、海风、月色,交织成一极尽浪漫的天地,美不胜收。马尔代夫首都马累,是世界上最小的首都,它的面积只有2.5平方公里,人口大约只有6万,是马尔代夫的购物中心,所有的商店几乎都聚集在此,这里没有刻意铺整的柏油路,放眼望去尽是晶亮洁白的白沙路。炫目的白色珊瑚礁和多半漆成蓝色、绿色的门窗形成强烈的色差,房子通常筑得又高又窄,据说是为了避免恶魔入侵,由于曾受英国管辖,部分建筑带着浓厚英式气息。在这个袖珍国都中,人们不是骑单车就是走路,机场与各个岛屿之间的交通为多尼船、水上飞机、汽车似乎是多余的。德希维希语(Dhivehi)为马尔代夫的通用语言,但英语在马尔代夫也作为官方语言而被广泛使用,很多酒店也增加了华文的一些服务说明,使马尔代夫渐渐走入了世界,越来越多的人选择去这里度假,不仅是拥有美丽的海岛风光和设施完善的渡假酒店,也是全球三大潜水圣地之一,站在岸边,海水有渐层的色彩,近岛的海是浅浅的透明的蓝,稍远是较深的湛蓝,更远的更蓝。美丽的珊瑚和丰富的鱼类,绚丽又纯静的落日、仿佛架在海水之上的“水中楼阁”,无一不让人魂牵梦绕,令人有点不知所措!全然遗忘了世界上其它角落。目不暇给,来到这里如果不潜水,就白来一趟。但潜水要有当地的潜水执照。对于外国的游客来讲,酒店的潜水中心可以提供执照的培训,潜水型态几乎全是BOAT DIVE(船潜),每天都有潜水行程,到椰林片片的无人岛浮潜、游览不同风格的岛屿,有的现代化、有的颇具原始风味,形成一岛一景的有趣现象。去拜访当地土著村落,岛上尽是一幢幢灰白相间的石屋,穿梭在恬静的民房巷弄间,是用心寻访马尔代夫的游客所不能错过的,搭乘多尼船游览可伦巴岛Kurumba,岛上的特点是容易擦肩而过的自然景观,岛上巧心栽植的椰子树,犹如天然的遮阳伞,可以坐在树荫下静静地看书或聊天,也可以躺在白色的海滩椅上,尽情享受日光浴,夜间,海边独坐,涛声带来天地一体的空寂,皎洁的月光,把沙滩妆点一地银白,裸足拨弄细纱,不需美酒,也可醉上一夜,是一个不错的度假村,也是浮潜爱好者的天堂。第二个是拉古娜岛(Laguna Beach)是电影「蓝色珊瑚礁」的拍摄地,因此岛上的童话色彩特别浓,当然,更多的是不食人间烟火的感觉。 这儿拥有最高度的隐私与宁静,与海天共成一体,是一座蓝色桃花源般的渡假岛屿,虽遗世独立,但海滨渡假小屋的设计细腻精致,仍保留文明色彩,设备齐全,雅致,给人有如在自己家里的舒适感。在白色的沙滩上享受各色海鲜烧烤,是一种浪漫的享受,品尝马尔代夫最常见的咖喱菜、马尔代夫料理咖尔迪亚、松鱼肉片汤。第三个就是法鲁Faru岛,是一个拥有白色珊瑚礁和椰林的蓝色仙境,充满浪漫气氛,这里的水底世界美丽得令人摒息,如梦如幻,尽情观赏缤纷的海底花园,平静的海面是最佳水上运动场,最适合潜水、风帆、风浪板活动的地方,或是到其它的环礁走走,花上一整天的时间游泳,这里的海水浮力奇大,既是不会游泳的人,只要平躺在海面上,手脚伸直,也能享受海中的乐趣。一般而言,马尔代夫政府非常重视环境及海洋的保护,这里人人也具有高度的环保意识,游客不可擅自收集沙滩或海中的贝壳,政府严禁出口任何种类的珊瑚,就连购买贝壳需要前往当地受承认的商店。第四个就是明月岛Full Moon Beach,岛上原始的木屋,更衬托出典型浪漫的热带风情,岛上有石头的地方必有有许多鱼的。比如在沙滩的珊瑚礁,里面鱼特别多,成群的小鱼,有黑白、黄、绿相间的,偶尔也有大鱼,如果拿一些面包来喂,成群结对的鱼会围绕着你的手,真是漂亮。在这里钓鱼也别有一种风情,是鱼儿最多的地方,盛产大石斑,无论有无经验的人都能轻易钓起大鱼,直让游客大叹不可思议!因此海钓在这儿相当受欢迎,可称得上老少咸宜的活动,尤其是在黄昏钓鱼别有一番乐趣,不一会功夫就会钩上很多鱼。黄昏看海豚也是马尔代夫的经典,从明月岛坐船没多远,就会发现海豚群,在大海表演空中翻滚的绝技,更多的海豚随着浪花做出逐浪的经典动作,在太阳渐渐的要落山下、在夕阳把天边的云朵染上了颜色的时候,在这种背景下,蓝色的大海,跳跃的海豚,金色的云霞,绮丽的美景,构成一幅动人的画卷。写到这里,大家会明白,为什么马尔代夫被称为印度洋上人间的最后乐园?虽然我照片里的景色都不如真实的透亮,但那电影里的浪漫神话,椰林下的迷幻梦想,一切美景皆在其中。不幸的是,据研究,因地球气候的变暖效应,马尔代夫即将在百年内如意大利庞贝古城般,消失在地平线上,沉入海中。离开马尔代夫的时候,当飞机飞过碧蓝的海面,远远的看到那些小岛和珊瑚礁群,像一串串的宝石晶莹闪烁,如同一块块突兀的小绿地,越变越小,直到最后完全消失了,我想……如果真的有一天,海水漫过了小岛,漫过了那白色的沙滩,剩下的也许只有蓝天和大海,那个时候,我不会遗憾,而我庆幸…因为我曾经在这小岛上漫步、戏水。
Finally the Indian Ocean paradise of the world
Finally the Indian Ocean paradise of the world - Sri Lanka, Maldives and Maldives in the sea 650 km south, crossing the equator on the Indian Ocean island nation, by exposing the surface of the exposed surface and the 19 large and small group of coral atolls, nearly 2,000 coral islands formed , the entire region is a national, independent in 1965, the establishment of the Republic in 1968, the full name of the Republic of Maldives (Republic Of Maldives). Maldives tandem from north to south through the equator, forming a long Keys Islands in the Indian Ocean like a blue velvet top, with a growth of jade stones. Very beautiful, is the world's largest coral island. It is the world's most abundant coral reefs and fish, sharks and other resources one of the places, immigration is a tax-free country, the land area of 298 square kilometers, extending 800 km north-south, averaging 1.2 meters above sea level. ,是由梵文Malodheep演变而来,就是花环的意思。 Because these islands are volcanic eruptions from the ancient seabed, some central processes become dunes, and some subsidence into the central ring of coral reefs ring, known as paradise from the recent local, and the Indian Ocean paradise of human Finally, the Europeans alike, By seaplane if the Marxist-Leninist shift between North and South, atolls, you will be very surprised, ji sea, the web such as a garland-like islands, is the central island green, it is surrounded by a white, both as a world renowned tourist resort, Maldives MALDIVES, by Malodheep evolved from Sanskrit, is the meaning of the rosette. Because of the structure of the sea like garlands, official records Maldives originated in the 12th century, refers to the West Bank in the island of Ceylon, when many from East Africa, the Arab countries vessels to sail found in this beautiful, quiet Maldives, but gradually people infatuated with living on the island, the Mini is a small country covering nearly 100,000 square kilometres of the sea, in which 200 are residents of the island, 73 island resort hotels, every one of coral reefs is a luxury resort hotel. A so-called world's most beautiful beaches, all on the picture and the legend of Maldives will be on the local Xinchishenwang, glistening white beaches, the water whirling in the Daoying coconut shadow, a large crowd of colorful tropical fish, constitute the Maldives "animation" Landscape , and the Indian Ocean's splendid pearl of the Indian Ocean is a romantic and beautiful island is a paradise love the sea, coconut shadow, the sea breezes, moonlight are interwoven into a culmination of the romantic world, breathtaking. Maldives capital, Male, is the world's smallest capital, the area of only 2.5 square kilometers and a population only about 60,000, the Maldives Shopping Centre, almost all the shops are gathered here, there is no deliberate paved asphalt roads , we look full of shiny white Pak Sha Road. Dazzling coral reefs and most of the white painted blue, green doors and windows a strong color, the house is usually built in the high and narrow, the devil is said to be in order to avoid the invasion, as well jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, some with strong English-style architecture flavor. In this pocket States, cycling is not walking people, the airport and the traffic between the islands for the Dhonis, seaplanes, car seems superfluous. (Dhivehi) Dexiweixi language (Dhivehi) as the common language of the Maldives, but also in the Maldives English as the official language and is widely used, many hotels also increased the number of Chinese-language service that the Maldives gradually into the world, more and more people choose to vacation here is not only a beautiful island scenery and well-equipped resort hotels, is one of three of the world's diving sites, on the shore, the water is gradually layer colors, the sea near the island is shallow and transparent blue, slightly deeper blue is far, far more blue. Beautiful coral and abundant fish, and Quanjing the magnificent sunset, as if on the water - in "water pavilion", and all people Hunqianmengrao, it is a bit at a loss! Completely forgotten corner of the rest of the world. Performances, and if we do not come here diving, a trip to Belarus. For foreign tourists speaking, the hotel can provide licenses diving training, diving patterns almost all BOAT DIVE (submersible ship), every day diving trip to the Coconut Grove Panpan the uninhabited island snorkeling, different Tour style of the island, some modern, some quite original flavor, a King Island formed an interesting phenomenon. To visit local indigenous villages, the island is full of dramatic gray-and stone house, the shuttle house in the quiet alleys, the intentions of tourists visiting the Maldives not to be missed, take Dhonis Tour Kurumba Kurumba, the island Features are easy to slip past the natural landscape, the island Qiao heart planting of coconut trees, as if the natural beach umbrella, the shade of a tree can be sitting quietly reading or chatting, can also chair lying on the white beaches, enjoy sunbathing, night, summer Duzuo, surf bring the world one deserted, Jiajie Moonlight, a beach Zhuangdian to silver, Spinning fiddle with bare feet, no wine can be drunk on the night, the Village is a good, but also Snorkeling lover's paradise. The second is the widening of Na Island (Laguna Beach) is the film "blue coral reef," the filming, and so the fairy-tale island of color particularly concentrated, of course, more is not Shirenjianyanhuo feeling. Here have the highest degree of privacy and quiet, with a total of the sea and the sky into an integrated entity, like the Peach Blossom Spring is a blue holiday island, though lone, but the design of the waterfront vacation cottages delicate exquisite color remain civilized, well-equipped, elegant, like people in the comfort of their own homes. In the white colored seafood on the beach and enjoy barbecue, the enjoyment is a romantic, the most common taste Maldives curry dishes, Maldives cuisine coffee Erdie, pine-fish soup. Faro is the third Faru Island is a coral reef with white, blue and the Coconut Grove Fairyland, a romantic atmosphere here in the beautiful underwater world is Bingxi, ancient Ruhuan, Be Fun Now the seabed Garden, calm sea water is the best stadium, the most suitable for scuba diving, sailing, windsurfing activities, or to other atolls walk and spend a whole day of time swimming, water buoyancy singular here, is not Swimmers, as long as supine in the sea, the hands and feet straight, but also to enjoy the fun of the sea. Generally speaking, the Maldives Government attaches great importance to the protection of the marine environment and, where everyone has a high degree of environmental awareness, tourists can not be collected without the beach or sea shells, the Government prohibited the export of any species of corals, shellfish and even need to go to the purchase of local recognized shops. Full Moon Beach,The fourth is the moon Island Full Moon Beach, primitive huts on the island, more contrasts typical romantic tropical island where there are rocks there must be many fish. For example, the coral reefs on the beach, especially inside the fish, flocks of fish, a black-and-white, yellow, green-and, occasionally there are big fish, if with some bread to feed, twinning groups of fish will be around your hand really beautiful. Fishing here is not a Customs, and is the largest local fish, abounds in big grouper, regardless of experience in the fish can easily Diaoqi straight big sigh tourists incredible! Therefore Sea Fishing here very popular, can be called the young, particularly in the evening to have some fun fishing other, a short while will be a lot of fish hooks. Maldives evening to see the dolphins is a classic, not from the moon and how far the island by boat, we will find that dolphins in the sea air performance of the rolling skills, and more dolphins with spray made by the classical wave action in the sun gradually To downhill, in the sunset seemed infected with the colour of the clouds, in this context, blue sea, dolphins jump, golden Yunxia, lai scenery, constitute a moving picture scroll. Wrote here, you will understand why the Maldives, the Indian Ocean known as the last paradise on earth? Although I do not view the photos, such as real translucent, but the movie's romantic myth of the Coconut Grove under the magic dream, in which all views are. Unfortunately, according to the study, due to the warming effect of the Earth's climate, the Maldives in the upcoming century, as if the ancient city of Pompeii, Italy, disappeared on the horizon, sinking them into the sea. Leave the Maldives, when aircraft fly over the blue sea, far to see that those groups islands and coral reefs, like strings of a gemstone crystal scintillation, as a block awkward small green spaces, becoming smaller, until finally complete disappear, I would like to…… If there is a day, the Man of the sea islands, it has a diffuse white sandy beaches, and the rest may only blue sky and the sea, at that time, I will not regret, and I am glad because… I have a stroll in this island, playing in the water.