


狐狸和乌鸦,一人一块肉, 狐狸对乌鸦说,我们把你的肉拿出来吃吃啊,乌鸦想 :我个子小 ,两个人一起吃也够。 就点头同意了。酒足饭饱之后,狐狸有些得意忘形, 说道, 兄弟呀,不是我说你 有多的肉呢,放到冬天吃, 冬天肉不好找呀。乌鸦一看自己的肉没有了。 狐狸痛苦得想了很久 一边把自己的肉放好, 一边说,这样吧,不吃你的肉了。 这就是所谓的自己的肉自己吃, 别人的肉分着吃。





被誉为自然奇观的本扎 (Puncak) 避暑山庄区,位于爪哇岛西部山间中,首都雅加达东南约100公里火山群峰的包围中,是著名的避暑旅游自然风景区,只要登上本扎随便哪一座山顶,就会看到那如山如海汹涌而来的梯田。独特、绝妙的自然气候孕育了茶的天然绿色,万亩生态观光茶园里,条条沟渠如银色的腰带,将座座大山紧紧缠绕,层层叠叠的茶树铺满山坡,如绿浪翻涌。循声而往, 梯田大都分布在公路两侧。沿着陡峭的山坡层层上分布,梯田规模宏大,气势磅礴,绵延整个就像是为巨人登天而建造的台阶。是本扎梯田的核心区。山区内全是崇山峻岭,所有的梯田都修筑在山坡上,连片上万亩梯田。在茫茫森林的掩映中,在漫漫云海的覆盖下,构成了神奇壮丽的景观。这在国内外梯田景观中是罕见的。梯田的边墙采用了长满草的土埂。当地居民垦殖梯田的想象力令人惊绝,其随山势地形变化,因地制宜,坡缓地大则开垦大田,坡陡地小则开垦小田,甚至沟边坎下石隙之中,无不奋力开田,因而往往一坡就有成千上万亩。这一景观构成了千奇百态变幻莫测的天地艺术大交响乐,成为举世瞩目的梯田奇观。这就是本扎梯田奇观的突出特点。是大自然相融的相谐互促互补的天人合一的人类大创造,是文化与自然巧妙结合的产物。区内空气宜人,林木繁茂,景色幽雅,得天独厚的地理位置,天成的碧水丹山、原生态的自然环境,高山幽泉、迷雾沛雨、来此尽可体会避暑之情趣。山区风景秀丽,四周群山环抱、空气清新、也是历史名城,由于海拔高又多雨,气候比较凉爽。不仅四季鲜花盛开,而且有众多的风景名胜,故为优良避暑胜地和疗养的理想场所。也是我国最大的避暑山庄茶园。公路两侧皆为美景,沿路都是田野、山坡、梯田、耶子树、别墅、农家院、娱乐、一排排的酒店和餐厅,日夜为您提供全套服务。三面环山,一面靠水,呼吸的是饱含负离子的新鲜空气,食用的是农民自栽自种的绿色菜蔬和瓜果。味道鲜美,.移步所见,是一幅幅清秀宜人的田园山水画;静立所闻,是一阵阵鸟语花香的沁人气息。置身其中,可时刻体验到大自然的幽静奇美,也可真正享受到一种超然物外完全放松的休闲生活。这就是本扎避暑山庄,农家休闲度假山庄。复杂的地形地貌,气候温和湿润,满山茶园云雾笼罩,绿波碧浪,婆娑起伏,风景幽雅迷人, 雨中茶园,茶农们一边哼着小调、歌谣,一边在雨中干活,还时不时地卷起衣袖擦擦身上的雨水,虽然很累,但每个人的脸上都挂着笑容。山地土层深厚,有机质含量丰富。于山高、云雾密、等得天独厚的条件,孕育丛生着各种各样的茶树群落,馨味各异的地方名茶。是全国闻名的“茶之乡”。茶之乡为你打造一个愉悦的本扎旅游风光。登高望云海,腾云驾雾的仙境感觉~~~~ 看茶花飞舞,烂漫美极,苍山绿水,山水一色,安静幽闲,城市的居民尤其特爱往山里跑的,宽阔的山林收纳人间一切的不快,离开了城市的喧嚣,想找一个宁静的所在,想忘却生活中的烦忙,想摆脱生命中无谓的压力,只想和亲近的人在一起;或者只和自己独处湛蓝天空点缀着丝丝白云,本扎的制高四亭借山庄周围自然山峦奇峰景观,扩大了避暑山庄的景观空间。四周的群山,高举入云的磬锤峰被拽入山庄,同山庄的田园山色融为一体。山区的植物园和水族馆,也都是著名旅游点。满山茶树花飘香,茶叶讲究色、香、形等。有机茶颜色苍翠,仿佛一根根刚被雨水冲洗过的嫩芽。渴了,在杯中放入茶叶,水质对茶汤的影响之大,好茶离不开好水。倒上热开水,茶叶像一叶叶扁舟在巨浪中翻滚,茶叶开始上浮或停在水中央,只有少数下沉。这时茶开始微微变绿,绿色的茶在透明精致的杯子中显得高雅脱俗。喝一口茶,入口微苦,但回味却带着一股淡淡的清香,让人心旷神怡。一杯上好的茶便成为佳品。茶不仅香,喝一口清茶,既清醒头脑,又保护视力。分享刚泡好的热茶伴随冉冉飘扬的茶香,洗去你一天的疲劳,令你顿时感到清息气爽,精力充沛。原来绿山脚下和风轻轻地吹佛,透着山边的清凉鸟儿,站在枝头唱出悦耳的合声,
The green amid a rainy扎Mountain Resort
Posted on December 18, 2007 by xihua
The rainy amid a扎known as the Green Mountain Resort natural wonders of this扎(Puncak) Mountain Resort, located in the western mountains of Java island, southeast of the capital Jakarta, about 100 km surrounded by volcanic Qunfeng, is a popular summer tourist natural scenery , as long as the扎casually boarded a peak which will see the mountain from the raging sea terrace. Unique, exquisite natural climate has given birth to a natural green tea, tea mu ecotourism, such as ditches Clause silver belt, tightly winding mountain mixture, layer upon layer of tea tree covered hillsides, such as the Green Wave Fanyong . And to Xunsheng, mostly distributed in the terraced fields along the roads. Layers along the steep slopes on the distribution of terrace scale of the event, the magnificent stretch of the whole is like impossible for the Giants and the construction stage. This is the core area of扎terrace. All within the mountain mountains, are all built on the hillside terraces, planted on terraces mu. Hidden in the vast forests, in the endless sea of clouds coverage, constitutes a magical magnificent landscape. This terrace landscape at home and abroad was rare. The use of the terrace wall of earth covered with grass 32.4. Local residents and planting the imagination of people trying to terrace must, with the mountain terrain and the local conditions, and he is reclaiming Pohuan Daejeon, Podou to the cultivation of small Oda, even Goubian Hom under rock crevices, open all struggling fields, and often there are tens of thousands of acres of a slope. This 1000 landscape constitutes a singular preferred vagaries of the art world symphony, a world of wonders terrace. This is the terrace wonders扎the prominent characteristics. Integration is the nature of the market and balances complementary Harmony to create the human, natural and cultural ingenious is a product of the combination. Regional air pleasant, lush forests, serene scenery, unique geographical location, the Bishuidanshan Tiancheng, the original ecological environment, alpine Youquan, fog Pei Yu, Feel free to the delight of the shelters. Scenic mountain, surrounded by hills, clean air history, the city, due to high altitude and wetter climate relatively cool. Not only the four seasons and blooming flowers, and a large number of scenic spots, and are thus excellent summer resort and an ideal place for convalescence. China is the largest tea Mountain Resort. All along the roads scenery along the road are fields, hillsides, terrace, Jerusalem subtrees, villas, farm homes, entertainment, and the rows of hotels and restaurants, day and night to provide you with a full range of services. Surrounded on three sides by mountains, on the side of the water, breathe the fresh air full of negative ions, consumption since farmers planted since the kinds of green vegetables and melons. Natural taste,. Shifting see, is a pleasant site Qingxiu pastoral landscapes; Jingwei have heard, is the waves birds soak into the depths of flavor. The midst of it, can experience nature at the secluded Chimei, a Chaoranwuwai can really enjoy the leisure life completely relaxed. This is the扎Mountain Resort, farmers and leisure Villa. Complex topography, climate mild and humid, Manshan tea fog shrouded Green Wave Bilang, whirling ups and downs, elegant charming scenery, the rain tea, tea farmers who side Hengzhe Minor, songs, while working in the rain, but also from time to time over the wipe the rain on the sleeves, although tired, but everyone is hung a smile on the face. Deep mountain soil, rich in organic matter. In the high mountains, dense fog, and other natural conditions, and carries a variety of numerous tea community, the local Citadines different flavor tea. Is nationally renowned for its "Home of tea." Rural tea for you to build a cheerful this扎Scenery. Shout from looking clouds, the clouds fairyland feeling ~ ~ ~ ~ see Camellia danced in the wind, the United States is brilliant, Cangshan Lushui, the same color landscapes, quiet Youxian, urban residents particularly special love of running to the mountains, the mountains broad human incorporate all unhappy , left the hustle and bustle of the city, looking for a quiet, where it would like to forget the trouble busy life, from life to unnecessary pressure, and just want to close people together, or only their own solitude and azure sky dotted with fishes Baiyun, in the high扎four kiosks by Villa hills surrounding natural landscape painting, the expansion of the Summer Resort landscape. Around the mountains, hold high the hammer into the clouds Qing Feng was dragged into the Villa, with Villa idyllic mountain integration. Mountain Botanical Garden and the aquarium, are also well-known tourist spot. Manshan tea flower fragrance, tea emphasize color, smell, shape and so on. Organic tea color green, as if just been a root rain washing off shoots. Thirsty, in the Tea Cup Add water to the effects of tea, tea inseparable from the water. Inverted on the hot water, tea Xiexie boat - like a roller waves in the tea began floating in the water or stop the Central, only a handful of sinking. Then began slightly green tea, green tea in a transparent exquisite cup is refined and elegant. Drink a tea, imported Wei Hu, but it memorable with a hint of fragrance, delightful people. A cup of good tea, will become Jiapin. Tea not only incense, and drank a Qing-Cha, both sober-minded, they are also protecting eyesight. Sharing just soaked hot tea accompanied by slowly flying Cha-xiang, you wash away the day's fatigue, you suddenly feel-income Qishuang, energetic. The original Green Mountain at the foot of wind gently blowing Buddha,透着hillside cool birds, from the branches to sing a beautiful sound,
Along with the solo Youchu childish, tea is the past and the people Zhazha eyes, camellias bloom All the hills, little white, the dress扎Villa scored, Yao Yao. Chaxiang visit this beautiful scenery, it seems that the weary traveller to be here a little rest, to enjoy this unusual blue sky, white clouds, clear water, many local residents make full use of this unique advantage for the city to provide tourists The shelters convalescence convenience. Freeze, no acid rain, misty weather and fewer short-term duration, the扎mountain climate, the soil is very suitable for flower cultivation base, fertile land and adequate water, suitable climate, is an ideal flower production base, development of the favorable conditions for flower industry . 扎flowers to the garden planting, cultivating, and the introduction of various Perennial Flower mainly built in 1995, years. Flower cultivation Flower Garden collection of more than 1.000. Plants introduced from the rest of the world the fine ornamental trees, and cultivate various types of flowers and various famous green seedlings, planting become the country's largest base. Taiwan these plants and flowers, rocks, water, knoll organic integration, seamless, to enrich the landscape plants enhanced images, and forming a unique category of the Garden. At the same time visitors for the rest Shangjing. Flower outstanding reputation, in addition to the organizational structure of native flowers, but also the structure of aquatic organizations, to enable them to long-term growth in the water, not water culture flower planting soil, application of chemical fertilizers do not, can not only realize flowers water culture, but also to achieve vegetables, fruit crops such as water culture. Flower water culture distinctive features, can spend above, the following concept root, water tours fish, fish spend a total support,
Here also has the largest area of forest cover highest Safari, Safari扎located in the National Forest Park, a park, "Fanghuguishan" rearing methods, and make full use of land, Linhai, green spaces and other natural conditions imitate various animals the original environment, animal area, isolation, San Fang, and create Returning to Simplicity, return to natural atmosphere, as they create a "home" warmth. Can also ride the shuttle to the lion park, Tiger Park, Bear Park, and the beast right close by home similar to the orangutan in the Museum, view the elephants Court large animals; can be close to the bright monkeys, docile tame giraffe, and the animals friendship here fully realized.
Night. I do not know what time the rain up, and shallow, my heart pounded with another lonely. Rainy night, but the hearts of thousands of feeling, Chouxu thousands, the rain brought Homelessness is not the same feeling. Towards the outside looking Mengmenglonglong rain in the day, Hill has also appeared mysterious, the Mende of tea have been able to Yang Yang of the Yaoban, as if the rain in the enjoyment of the moisture in the bloom of the rain alarming Read It washed off their land, but also nourishes the people's heart, so that everything can clean it. In the mountains away from the secular, each of the animals are so good. Which general Gouxindougu like people?
Good morning, Yuting, in the dawn mist covered the terrace, had a vague, burnt offerings and beautiful, the entire tea garden in the sky as if the world! Sparkling like a terraced slopes of resettlement in the mirror, I come out of the water gently Cao Peng, the air after the rain the soil with a thick atmosphere, clouds shrouded mountain tea plantations, has experienced storms flowers and trees Jiaotai emitting alarming to the mountain tea brought vitality and branches swaying gently bend with the wind, cool阵阵, several called constantly for birdie. In this full of the flavor of the Peak Nature, it seems like people without confidence in my side kept to around around to everything the Liangsisi some. Dew in the leaf edge exudes light. Cha-xiang飘来rounds of the wind, spacious room, Green Hills villa area, green Yangshengtang, casual vacation, fishing, chess, mahjong entertainment, mountain-climbing, enjoy nature, green food taste better place. Style chic tourist villas, secluded tortuous roads, clear fine Chung swimming pools, ocean water theme park, pretty standard fishing areas, restaurants are the largest water. Tea plantations, build shelters Charm real, you are always like soft touch, hang around in the shade shop, wonderful work Jing Yan, reveling in the tea Qingying, you spend a good time, leaving behind good memories !

